What will the NDIS not pay for?

The NDIS will only pay for supports that are reasonable and necessary, that is supports that are fair and something you need. The NDIS won't pay for your groceries, but they will pay for a support person to take you shopping if that is a support that you need.

Think of the things that any non-disabled person pays for themselves, these are the things that NDIS does not pay. In general, belonging to a club or sport, registration for these or uniform and basic equipment are all costs a non-disabled person pays for themselves. We can chat to you about what is reasonable and necessary for you. Some of these things include occupational therapists, assistive technology, continence products, and some people have even been able to buy things like Fitbits.

There actually is no legally verified list of "things" that are unable to be purchased with NDIS funds - except booze, smokes, the pokies/gambling and anything that's illegal.

Remember always that the NDIS is about choice, so we encourage people not to be afraid to think creatively about their supports.

A few questions you might want to consider in determining if a product or service is reasonable and necessary:

  • Disability Related - Do I need this because of my disability?
  • Goals - Does it help me achieve my goals in my plan?
  • Value for money - Are the costs reasonable, noting both the benefits and the cost of other ways that might get similar results?